The aim of the quoting obligation for Primary Dealers is to provide to all market participants an arbitrage free reference price. Since the spring of 2008 Primary Dealers may select a platform of choice to fulfill their quotation obligation, provided the platform meets certain objective criteria.

Eligibility criteria include that bid and ask prices at which PDs can execute trades on the designated platform are available to investors at reasonable commercial terms. As of now, the DSTA has selected two platforms: Brokertec Europe Ltd and MTS. The application however is open-ended.
Given the success of the freedom of choice of a platform, the Dutch State Treasury Agency has broadened the multiplatform environment to include the quotation of Dutch Treasury Certificates (DTCs) from April 2009 onwards. This means that the multiplatform environment now applies to all Dutch government securities that are subject to a quotation obligation.
The conditions and basics of the multiplatform environment for DSLs are included in several annexes to the General Conditions of the PD contract.
The conditions and basics of the multiplatform environment for DTCs are included in several annexes to the General Single Market Specialist Conditions.
Below, you will find the links to the websites of the two platforms. Using the first link, retail investors can access semi-real-time information on prices for DSLs and DTCs. The time delay ranges from 5 to 15 minutes.