Organisation and mandating order

What is our mandate?

Article 105 paragraph 4 of the Dutch Constitution (in Dutch: Grondwet) [1] states that rules relating to the management of the State’s finances shall be prescribed by Act of Parliament. These rules are further elaborated on in the Government Accounts Act 2016 (in Dutch: Comptabiliteitswet 2016[2]. According to article 4.3 paragraph 3 of the Government Accounts Act 2016 the Minister of Finance is responsible for the management of the National Debt Budget. Article 4.18 of the Government Accounts Act 2016 anchors that the Minister of Finance is responsible for (a) the management of the Government debt; and (b) the entering into agreements to borrow money by the State relating to the deficit financing and refinancing of maturing borrowings. In two related decrees the organisation of the Ministry of Finance and the related mandates are set out in more detail.

The Organisation Decree of the Ministry of Finance (Organisatiebesluit Ministerie van Financiën) sets out, among other things, the tasks of the DSTA and the various departments within the DSTA [3].  By way of the Mandate Decree of the Ministry of Finance (Mandaatbesluit Ministerie van Financiën) the Minister of Finance mandates [4] the Treasurer General (Thesaurier Generaal) who in turn mandates the Agent of the DSTA. The Agent of the DSTA has also mandated various persons within the DSTA.


[2] [3] (document number 1)

[4] (document number 2)