The DSTA keeps holds an accounts with three (International) Central Securities Depositories (ICSDs): Euroclear Netherlands, Euroclear Bank and Clearstream Bank. Primary market issuances and sSecundary market transactions can be settled with via Euroclear Bank and Clearstream Bank. Citibank is the Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA) for the settlement of ECP in euro and foreign currencies and for the settlement of USCP.

DSL issuance via TAP auction
Settlement takes place on DSTA account 25003 at Euroclear Bank or via the bridge with Clearstream Bank.
DSL issuance via DDA auction
Settlement takes place on DSTA account 25003 at Euroclear Bank or on DSTA account 82929 at Clearstream Bank.
DTC issuance
Settlement takes place on DSTA account 25003 at Euroclear Bank or on DSTA account 82929 at Clearstream Bank.
Sell Buy Back and Buy Sell Back
Settlement takes place on DSTA account 97449 at Euroclear Bank or on DSTA account 82913 at Clearstream Bank.
T+2 as standard settlement period for DSLs
In line with the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR)CSDR and the decision of the trading venues, the Dutch State Netherlands decided to further harmonise the standard settlement period for OTC transactions on DSLs in primary issuances and secondary markets in line with the T+2 settlement cycle. This measure will become effective as of 6 October 2014. This enhanced harmonisation across all primary and secondary markets will reduce operational inefficiencies and risks for cross-border transactions.
All Dutch bonds can be transformed into Seperate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities (STRIPS) and vice versa. Primary dealers have the exclusive right to ask for a transformation from bonds into STRIPS or from STRIPS into bonds at Euroclear Nederland. How these instructions are made can be found in the Newsletter from Euroclear.
Securities delivered as collateral have to be transferred to account 97449 with Euroclear Bank or account 82913 with Clearstream Bank.
Payments in Euro
Directly to BIC-Code DSTANL2A, Dutch State Treasury Agency, The Hague.
Payments in USD
CITIUS33, Citibank N.A., New York
Beneficiary account no. 36892012, Dutch State Treasury Agency, The Hague
Payments in GBP
CITIGB2L, Citibank N.A., London
Beneficiary account no. 11851403, Dutch State Treasury Agency, The Hague
Payments in GBP must be credited before 4.00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
Payments in CHF
CITIGB2L, Citibank N.A., London
Beneficiary account no. 12064022, Dutch State Treasury Agency, The Hague
Payments in CHF must be credited before 02.00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
Payments in NOK
CITIGB2L, Citibank N.A., London
Beneficiary account no. 12880466, Dutch State Treasury Agency, The Hague
Payments in NOK must be credited before 01.00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
Fax: +31 88 442 7940
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Legal entity: The State of the Netherlands, acting through the Dutch State Treasury Agency
Phone: +31 (0)88 442 8181