
211 search results

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  1. Cash Management, Issuance and Trading

  2. Dutch Direct Auction

    The Dutch Direct Auction (DDA) is a transparent and rule-based auction technique designed by the DSTA for the auctioning of ...


  3. Dealers

    Every year, the DSTA appoints a number of Primary Dealers, Single Market Specialists and Commercial Paper Dealers.


  4. Dutch State will not exercise the option to reopen an existing DSL on 14 November 2023

    In the Quarterly Outlook for the fourth quarter of 2023, the Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) announced it would be designating ...

    News item | 08-11-2023 | 13:00

  5. Capital markets

    The issuance (primary) and subsequent trading of government bonds (secondary) are usually seen as capital market activities. On ...


  6. Purchasing Dutch government bonds

    A loan issued by the Dutch State is an investment with a low risk profile and a high credit rating. If you are interested in ...


  7. DSTA appoints advisors for new 10-year DDA

    The Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) has appointed ABN AMRO Bank, Jefferies and Nordea as its advisors for the upcoming Dutch ...

    News item | 12-01-2018 | 13:00

  8. Dutch state announces the launch of a new 15-year DSL and publishes the issuance calendar for the second quarter of 2021

    This press release contains information of the auction date for a new 15-year DSL and the issuance calendar for the second ...

    News item | 19-03-2021 | 08:53

  9. Letter to parliament concerning risk framework 2020-2025

    Publication | 05-01-2024

  10. Investor presentation DSL 2029

    Publication | 22-09-2021