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  1. Publication of Quarterly Outlook, issuance calendar third quarter 2024 and update for funding need of 2024

    Today the Dutch State Treasury Agency publishes the Quarterly Outlook and the issuance calendars for the third quarter of 2024. ...

    News item | 21-06-2024 | 13:00

  2. Publication of Quarterly Outlook, issuance calendar fourth quarter 2024 and update for funding need of 2024

    Today the Dutch State Treasury Agency publishes the Quarterly Outlook and the issuance calendars for the fourth quarter of 2024. ...

    News item | 20-09-2024 | 13:00

  3. Quarterly Outlook and issuance calendar second quarter 2022; re-opening of Green DSL 2040 in June

    Today the DSTA publishes the Quarterly Outlook with updates on the economic, budgetary and climate outlooks and the issuance ...

    News item | 25-03-2022 | 11:14

  4. The Dutch State announces the auction date for the reopening of the 30-year bond via a DDA and presents the timeline for publication of the Outlook for the second quarter of 2024

    By way of this press release, the Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) provides an update on the reopening of the 30-year bond, the ...

    News item | 28-02-2024 | 13:00

  5. The Dutch State announces the auction date for a new 30-year bond and the timeline for publication of the Outlook for the fourth quarter of 2022

    By way of this press release the Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) provides an update on the launch of a new 30-year bond and ...

    News item | 17-08-2022 | 12:00

  6. Publication of Quarterly Outlook, issuance calendar second quarter 2024 and announcement of reference bond for the reopening of the 30-year bond via DDA on 16 April 2024

    Today the Dutch State Treasury Agency publishes the Quarterly Outlook and the issuance calendars for the second quarter of 2024. ...

    News item | 22-03-2024 | 13:00

  7. Funding plan 2024

    On 20 September, the DSTA updated its funding need for 2024 and now expects a cash deficit that is €7.9 billion lower than ...


  8. Risk management

    In its daily operations as a debt manager, the DSTA faces a number of risks, such as interest rate risk, credit risk, foreign ...


  9. Funding policy

    The Dutch State’s funding policy sets out guidelines and conditions for financing the state debt. Relevant questions concern the ...


  10. Update issuance calendar Q4 2020

    The economic outlook remains uncertain, however based on the latest insights, the Dutch State will have to finance less in 2020 ...

    News item | 04-11-2020 | 13:00