Reopening of the DSL 2.50% 15 January 2030 raises € 2.45 billion

The reopening of the ‘DSL 2.50% 15 January 2030’ today raised an amount of € 2.45 billion. Settlement is on Thursday 30 January 2025. The results of the auction are as follows:

Average price:

€ 100.03

Average yield: 

2.493 %

Volume raised:

€ 2,450,000,000

New outstanding volume:

€ 14,686,000,000

The bond was auctioned via the screens of MTS Netherlands. A non-comp facility is available to Primary Dealers until 12.00 CET on Friday 31 January 2025, allowing for an extra amount to be taken up at the average price issued at the auction. The non-comp percentage per Primary Dealer depends on the performance of the relevant Primary Dealer in quoting Dutch State Loans in the secondary market and their trading volume of Dutch State Loans in the secondary market. Primary Dealers may only make use of the non-comp facility if they purchase at least 3% of the issued amount at auction. If Primary Dealers use the non-comp facility, the outstanding volume of the bond will increase. For the figures on the outstanding amount per bond, please consult our website.